Arrival & Departure


Staff supervision of students begins at 7:30 a.m. Students enrolled in the Prime Time program may be dropped off at 6:00 a.m. For safety reasons, no other students are to arrive at school before 7:30 a.m.

Student Drop Off

Adults delivering children to school should leave them on Hoitt Street in front of school.

Infant, Preschool, and Kindergarten:

Parents may drop off students at their classrooms. Following drop-off, parents should leave campus unless participating in parent activities/classes or volunteering in classrooms.

Grades 1-6:

All students are to go directly to playground. Students are not to go to their classrooms until the first bell. Supervision is provided in the cafeteria area, the blacktop area, and various high traffic points on campus.


Kimbrough wants to ensure safe travel to and from school. Please walk on sidewalks and observe all street markings and signs. Do not walk through the staff parking lot.


The San Diego Police Department requests that only students in grades four and above ride bicycles to school. Although the school has designated an area in front of the Media Center for students to park bicycles, the San Diego Unified School District is not responsible for theft, damage, or loss of use to any bicycle, equipment or article left in or around this area. All such risk is assumed by the student.

All bicycles should have locks and licenses. Students are urged to secure their bicycles in an appropriate manner by using a quality lock and chain or other devices.

Helmets are required by California law. Students not wearing helmets may lose the privilege of parking a bike on school grounds. As defined in Vehicle Code Section 21212, any person under 18 years of age must wear a properly fitted and fastened helmet when riding a bicycle, scooter, skateboard, or when wearing in-line or roller skates. Helmets must also meet the standards of either the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).


Student Pick Up

Please meet your child only at the Hoitt Street Main gate entrance. The front curb is painted green to indicate 15 minute stopping and white for 3 minute stopping. Signs are posted to assist you. Please ensure the safety of all students by not parking in the bus loading area and/or asking your child(ren) to cross the street without supervision.The school"s main concern is for the health and safety of your children.

Specific dismissal procedures vary by grade level, as indicated below:


Students are dismissed from the Kinder area by their teacher upon seeing a responsible adult or older sibling. Older siblings must come to is the Kindergarten yard to pick up younger siblings.

Grades 1-5:

Teachers walk all students to the front entrance of school. All students must be picked up at the front entrance whether they walk home with an older sibling or are picked up by an adult. If an older student is responsible for a younger student, they must go to the front of school or the kindergarten yard to pick them up and then promptly head home.

PrimeTime Extended Day Program Students:

All PrimeTime and licensed day care program students are dismissed from their classrooms and sent to Multi- Purpose Room (MPR) for check in. Kindergarten students are picked up at their classrooms by a PrimeTime staff member.

All students need to be picked up after school on time. Students are dismissed promptly at 2:20 p.m. (12:20 p.m. on Wednesdays) and should leave campus immediately upon dismissal unless they are involved in the PrimeTime program, after-school activities or clubs. If a student is not picked up after school, we try to reach the parents or the emergency contacts on the Student Enrollment Forms. If we cannot reach anyone, we are required to contact either School Police or the San Diego Police Department. The Police will then try to find the parents. If they are unsuccessful, they will take the child to Polinsky Children

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